Aurora Reverie

This year's theme for FLARE, "Aurora Reverie", captures the essence of social service as a guiding light in our world. Just as the aurora illuminates the night sky, FLARE aims to highlight the growing importance of selfless service to others. By passing the torch of social responsibility, we strive to inspire and empower individuals to lead the way for future generations. The theme draws a parallel with the myth of Prometheus, who gave fire to humanity, symbolizing the passing of knowledge, hope, and compassion. In this spirit, FLARE seeks to ignite a collective awakening, where every act of service contributes to a brighter, more connected world.

Our Mission

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NSS IIT Bombay aims to highlight the efforts done by spirited individuals and organizations for the betterment of the world we live and also focus on important issues which have been ignored generally

Shop For Smile Stalls

Women Entrepreneur


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Yoga Workshops for period cramps and PCOs

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Pottery Workshop

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Sustainable Handmade Articles Workshop